Current affairs is an important part of Civil Services preparation. At the same time it is important to read this part from standard sources. Sources which we can TRUST. There are thousands of articles every month. Human brain cannot process everything. Thus, one needs to be smart enough to choose his\her source of current affairs.
PIAS is committed to give QUALITY resources to students. Resources that can be trusted. In this process, we have designed most comprehensive, yet, to the point current affairs magazine for September 2022 with following features-
FREE for all– We have seen that institutions are taking money from students and claiming to provide them QUALITY and CRISP notes. But in this process, are students really getting quality? Or they are just getting robbed? Well.. this has to be decided by students. PIAS is committed to its goal and that’s why we are giving current affairs for free.
SYLLABUSWISE COVERAGE– All the articles in PIAS Current affairs Magazine are arranged as per UPSC syllabus so that you can integrate your exam preparation along with current affairs
EXPECTED QUESTION ON GIVEN ARTICLE– We have added expected question on every article so that you will have a clear idea about utilization of that particular news.

EDITORIAL ANALYSIS– We have included editorials from The Hindu, Indian Exprress, Asian Age along with Mint in the current affairs that can help you to retain better for main examination and write quality answers.

DEDICATED SECTION FOR PRELIM– Prelim has highest weightage of current affairs. And for this, we have decided to provide a separate dedicated Prelim section where ONLY prelim related data can be accessed.

PIB COVERAGE– PIB is Gangotri of current affairs in India and for this reason; we have EXCLUSIVELY included PIB section in current affairs. Here, you will get every detail important for current affairs from Exam point of view.

MAIN ENRICHMENT SECTION– apart from prelim, main enrichment section has been assigned for students. Here students can add value to their answers through current affairs and related issues.

ETHICS– Ethics is a game changer in UPSC preparation, here you are supposed to give insight on given issues along with examples. In PIAS current affairs, you will get examples related oto Ethics along with case studies that will help you to enrich your answers.

In this manner, you will be able to keep a tab on current affairs along with required brainstorming for prelim and main examination.
We want serious candidates to succeed in this exam and to maintain the exclusivity of PIAS current affairs to SERIOUS students only, we have kept registration of your email id along with mobile number as a compulsory feature.
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